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Schedule Payments in the new Member Portal (Built on Experience Cloud)

The Hybrid Nimble AMS now offers improved support for scheduling both One-time and Installment payments, giving association members greater flexibility in managing their payments. With the Scheduled Payment Support on the Member Portal Checkout page, members can easily choose between making a one-time payment or setting up a structured installment plan with ease and peace of mind.

Additionally, staff members can create and manage scheduled payments for both processed and pro forma orders through the staff view, enhancing the overall payment experience.

Scheduled Payment Option.png

Figure 1: The Screenshot shows the Schedule Payment option on the Member Portal Checkout page.

The Screen shot shows the Scheduled Payment Modal when you select One-Time pay and start date is Future Date..png

Figure 2: The Screenshot shows the Scheduled Payment Modal when you select One-Time Pay.

Installment Payment -Future Date.png

Figure 3: The Screenshot shows the Scheduled Payment Modal when you select Installment Pay.


  • Convenience and Flexibility: Members can choose the payment method that best suits their financial situation, whether that’s a one-time payment, installment plan, or recurring payment option.

  • Enhanced User Experience: The cloud-based Member Portal enhances checkout, making payments faster and more convenient. This change ultimately results in a more seamless user experience and increased member engagement.

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