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Submit Express Cart Checkout Button

The Submit Express Cart Checkout button displays for logged in users and when clicked, hides the cards on the page, displays a message asking constituents to wait, and submits the cart and constituent are taken to the Order Summary page.

Button Information

Submit Express Cart Checkout
Is Primary ActionYes
On Clickif ($(this).closest('form').nuIsFormValid() == true) { $('div[data-role="InteriorPageContent"]').addClass('hide');$('div[data-role="JustASecond"]').removeClass('hide'); }
On Complete$('div[data-role="JustASecond"]').addClass('hide');$('div[data-role="InteriorPageContent"]').removeClass('hide');
Re RenderCheckoutMainContent,OutstandingInvoiceMainContent

Cards Using This Button

Express Cart Checkout Button Row
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