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Using BluePay

To allow you to accept and account for payments, administrators can set up the BluePay payment gateway for an entity in your org.

The company BluePay has now been renamed to CardConnect. The BluePay Payment Gateway is still offered in its suite of services.

Using BluePay

  1. Update the BluePay gateway setting: 

    1. In the tab bar, click 
      App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click 
      Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
    2. Click Gateway Settings.
    3. Click Edit next to BluePay.
      1. In Endpoint URL, enter
    4. If you are setting up a production payment gateway, select Live Mode.
    5. In Account Id, enter the 12-digit BluePay account ID.
    6. In Secret Key, enter the secret key for the BluePay account. You can find your BluePay Account ID and Secret Key from BluePay (through their portal). 
    7. Click Save.
  2. Create a payment gateway:

    1. In the tab bar, click 
      , or in Salesforce Classic, click 
      Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
    2. Click Payment Gateways.
    3. Click New.
    4. Select the Record Type as BluePay.
    5. In Gateway Implementation,  enter NU_CBBP.BluePayPaymentGateway.

      If you're setting up multiple BluePay payment gateways, in Named Credential on each, enter the name of the related gateway setting.

    6. Status is set to Active.
    7. If you want to use Hosted Payment Forms while processing a payment, select Enable Hosted Payment Forms.  

      Please note that if you don't see Hosted Payment Forms checkbox here on the Payment Gateway page it's probably because you haven't properly set up your page layout yet. Do that and then continue.

      Level 2 or Level 3 Credit Card Processing

    8. If you want to use Level 2 or Level 3 credit card processing, in Additional Processing Level(which can be found by using the search bar on the homepage of your org), select the level you want to use.
    9. If you want to require the CVV (Card Verification Value) code when making a credit card payment in Staff View, select Require Credit Card Security Code.

    10. If you want to prompt staff to enter the address of the account when entering a payment, select Display Credit Card Address

      Staff and constituents are currently not required to enter a billing address when making a credit card payment in the order process.

    11. Click Save.

      At this point you should have achieved the following:

      Have a payment gateway with Enable Hosted Payment. Now it's time to connect the payment gateway to an entity within your org.

  3. Create an entity payment gateway to connect the new payment gateway to an entity. In case there are multiple entities, you can connect them to different BluePay accounts, if required. To create an entity payment gateway, follow the below steps: 

    1. From a payment gateway, in the Entity Payment Gateway Links related list, click New Entity Payment Gateway Link.
    2. Payment Gateway is set to the name of the payment gateway.
    3. In Entity, enter the name of the entity that receives payments using the payment gateway, click 
      Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs. Lookup, and select the entity. 
    4. Select Default to use the selected payment gateway when making payments, refunds, and managing stored payment methods.
    5. Click Save
  4. If your org was created prior to the Nimble AMS Spring '17 release, perform these steps.

    Add the Account Related List and Payment Fields and List Views..

    Add the External Profiles related list on the Account:

    1. From Setup, enter Person Accounts in the Quick Find box, then select Page Layouts.
    2. Click Edit next to Person Account Layout.
    3. In the related lists section, add the External Profiles related list below the Orders related List.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Repeat these steps for any custom Person Account page layouts.

    Add fields and list views on the Payment:

    1. Add Created By External Payment Method and External Payment Profile fields to Payment page layouts:
      1. From Setup, click Create | Objects.
      2. Click Payment.
      3. In the Page Layouts section, click Edit next to "Order Payment Layout".
      4. Add Created By External Payment Method below Billing Country.
      5. Add External Payment Profile below Created By External Payment Method.
      6. Click Save.
      7. Repeat these steps for any custom Payment page layouts.
    2. In the tab bar, click 
      App Launcher, or in Salesforce Classic, click 
      Nimble AMS, Staff View, Button, All Tabs.
    3. Click Payments.
    4. Create the All Check Payments list view:
      1. Click Create New View.
      2. In View Name, enter All Check Payments.
      3. In the Specify Filter Criteria section, add a filter:
        1. In Field, select Check Number.
        2. In Operator, select not equal to.
      4. In the Select Fields to Display section, add:
        1. Payment Id
        2. Check Number
        3. Payment Amount
        4. Payment Date
      5. In the Restrict Visibility section, select Visible to all users (Includes partner and customer portal users).
      6. Click Save.
    5. Create the All Credit Card Payments list view:
      1. Click Create New View.
      2. In View Name, enter All Credit Card Payments.
      3. In the Specify Filter Criteria section, add a filter:
        1. In Field, select Account Number.
        2. In Operator, select not equal to.
      4. In the Select Fields to Display section, add:
        1. Payment Id
        2. Account Number
        3. Payment Type Issuer
        4. Name on Credit Card
        5. Payment Amount
        6. Payment Date
        7. Payment Processor Transaction ID
        8. Payment Is Void
      5. In the Restrict Visibility section, select Visible to all users (Includes partner and customer portal users).
      6. Click Save.
    6. Create the All Payments list view:
      1. Click Create New View.
      2. In View Name, enter All Payments.
      3. In the Select Fields to Display section, add:
        1. Payment Id
        2. Payment Amount
      4. In the Restrict Visibility section, select Visible to all users (Includes partner and customer portal users).
      5. Click Save.
    7. Create the Check Payments This Month list view:
      1. Click Create New View.
      2. In View Name, enter Check Payments This Month.
      3. In the Specify Filter Criteria section, add two filter1:
        1. In Field, select Check Number.
        2. In Operator, select not equal to.
        3. In Field, select Payment Date.
        4. In Operator, select equals.
        5. In Value, enter THIS MONTH.
      4. In the Select Fields to Display section, add:
        1. Payment Id
        2. Check Number
        3. Payment Amount
        4. Payment Date
      5. In the Restrict Visibility section, select Visible to all users (Includes partner and customer portal users).
      6. Click Save.
    8. Create the All Credit Card Payments This Month list view:
      1. Click Create New View.
      2. In View Name, enter Credit Card Payments This Month.
      3. In the Specify Filter Criteria section, add to filters:
        1. In Field, select Account Number.
        2. In Operator, select not equal to.
        3. In Field, select Payment Date.
        4. In Operator, select equals.
        5. In Value, enter THIS MONTH.
      4. In the Select Fields to Display section, add:
        1. Payment Id
        2. Account Number
        3. Payment Type Issuer
        4. Name on Credit Card
        5. Payment Amount
        6. Payment Date
        7. Payment Processor Transaction ID
        8. Payment Is Void
      5. In the Restrict Visibility section, select Visible to all users (Includes partner and customer portal users).
      6. Click Save.
    9. Create the Payments This Month list view:
      1. Click Create New View.
      2. In View Name, enter Payments This Month.
      3. In the Specify Filter Criteria section, add a filter:
        1. In Field, select Payment Date.
        2. In Operator, select equals.
        3. In Value, enter THIS MONTH.
      4. In the Select Fields to Display section, add:
        1. Payment Id
        2. Payment Amount
        3. Entity Payment Method
        4. Check Number
        5. Account Number
        6. Payment Type Issuer
      5. In the Restrict Visibility section, select Visible to all users (Includes partner and customer portal users).
      6. Click Save.
    10. Create the Stored Payments This Month list view:
      1. Click Create New View.
      2. In View Name, enter Stored Payments This Month.
      3. In the Specify Filter Criteria section, add two filters:
        1. In Field, select Created By External Payment Method.
        2. In Operator, select equals.
        3. In Value, enter True.
        4. In Field, select Payment Date.
        5. In Operator, select equals.
        6. In Value, enter THIS MONTH.
      4. In the Select Fields to Display section, add:
        1. Payment Id
        2. Payment Date
        3. Payment Amount
        4. Created By External Payment Method
        5. External Payment Profile
        6. Payment Type Issuer
        7. Account Number
        8. Billing Expiration Month
        9. Billing Expiration Year
      5. In the Restrict Visibility section, select Visible to all users (Includes partner and customer portal users).
      6. Click Save.

Success! Hosted Payment Forms should now be fully enabled for you.

Please do a final check:

  • Did I set the page layout correctly? 
  • Did I set permissions correctly?
  • Did I add the correct class?
  • Did I create an entity payment gateway to connect to the new payment gateway?
  • For organizations created prior to the Nimble AMS Spring '17 release, did I follow the steps for adding Account Related List and Payment Fields and List Views?

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