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Use Registration Types

Registration types can also be set for specific sessions in the registration process, in event questions, or for cancellation fees. Sessions can be made visible to multiple registration types by choosing more than one registration type in this process. If registration types are set up for an event, and there are no registration types selected for a specific session, question, or cancellation fee, all registration types will be affected for the event in question.

Staff can also set passcodes to require users to enter a specific code to choose a registration type.

Set a Registration Type for a Session

  1. From an Event, in the Product Related List, click Edit next to the session you want to edit.
  2. In the Registration Types, select one or more registration type you'd like to limit this session to and click 


    Press CTRL/CMND to select multiple options.

  3. Click Save.

At least one Session must be set to the chosen registration type(s) in order for users to register for the event using that type(s).

Set a Registration Type for a Question

  1. From the Questions you wish to be limited to a registration type(s), click Edit.
  2. In Registration Types, select one or more registration type you'd like to limit this Question to and click 


    Press CTRL/CMND to select multiple options.

  3. Click Save.

At least one Session must be set to the chosen registration type(s) in order for users to register for the event using that type(s).

Set a Registration Type for a Cancellation Fee

  1. From the Cancellation Fee you want to be limited to a registration type(s), click Edit.
  2. In Registration Types, select one or more registration type you'd like to limit this cancellation fee to and click 


    Press CTRL/CMND to select multiple options.

  3. Click Save.

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