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Enablement of Cross Entity Coupon

Nimble AMS supports Cross entity coupon feature which allows associations to apply coupon on cross entity products and necessary inter-entity transactions are automatically generated based on the entity crossover.



  1. Add ‘Allow Cross Entity Coupon’ field to Coupon Product page.
Show Me How It's Done...
  1. From the Coupon product, click the gear icon on top right, and select Edit Object from the drop down.

  2. From the left panel, select Page Layouts.

  3. From the Page Layouts list, click Coupon.

  4. Drag and drop Allow Cross Entity Coupon checkbox field to the Product Detail section.

  5. Click Save.

2. To enable a coupon to work across entities (Cross Entity Coupon feature) simply select Allow Cross Entity Coupon checkbox in Coupon Product.


Allow Cross Entity Coupon checkbox will work only for Coupon Products as this feature is restricted to coupons.

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