Spring'25 Changelog
This is a list of every change made in the Spring '25 Seasonal Release of Nimble AMS.
Nimble AMS Staff View
What's New?
Enhancement: Quantity information for Product Types now displays on the Checkout
This enhancement allows the users to see the quantity of product items on the Checkout and Order Confirmation page when ordering Miscellaneous, Exhibit, Sponsorship, and Advertisement Product Types.
Your association will benefit if you:
Use the New Member Portal
Enhancement: Enhanced the Bulk Pricing Manager for a non-member to receive member pricing as part of membership purchase
We’ve added new functionality so that non-members can now receive member pricing when they purchase a membership alongside other products in the same checkout process. If the Membership product is removed from the shopping cart, the pricing for other products gets automatically updated to receive non-member pricing.
If You Have a Custom Bulk Pricing Manager, you must incorporate three new context variables in your custom class so it works with the updated Member Portal logic. If you don’t update, your custom bulk pricing manager will still function as originally designed, but it won’t support the new capability unless you add the logic for these new variables or you had custom code that accounted for this feature already.
If the only reason for having a custom bulk pricing manager was a customization to include this functionality, configure this update, and test the functionality to ensure it matches your requirement. Get on the product upgrade path!
This enhancement is specifically available to associations using the Member Portal. (Learn More)
Your association will benefit if you:
Use Membership Products
Use Special Pricing
Use Member Portal Checkout
Enhancement: Improved Error Handling for Dynamic Grid Configuration CMT
In the past, the App Builder faced a generic error message on the Dynamic Grid LWC when certain configurations were incorrect. This made troubleshooting difficult and time-consuming, requiring checking the debug logs and expertise. To improve user experience, we’ve now added specific error messages to handle Dynamic Grid configurations in the Lightning Store. The improvement provides clear, specific error messages, enabling faster and easier troubleshooting for App Builders, saving time, and reducing reliance on debugging expertise.
If no Data Sources are linked to the Dynamic Grid Configuration CMT, an error will state: “The Dynamic Grid Configuration does not have a data source linked to it. Please check your configuration.”
If the Context field on the Data Source record linked to the Dynamic Grid Data Source record is invalid, the error will state: “The value in the Context field of the Data Source CMT is not valid. Please check your configuration.” These messages help App Builders quickly identify and fix configuration issues.
Your association will benefit if you:
Use the New Lightning Store
Enhancement: Improved Error Handling for Misconfigured Data Source Search CMT in Lightning Store
This enhancement improves error handling by providing clear and specific messages when the Data Source Search CMT is misconfigured. It helps app builders quickly identify and resolve issues, ensuring that only the misconfigured Data Source displays an error while others continue to operate correctly. This improvement reduces debugging time and enhances the overall user experience. The updated error handling will provide specific messages indicating whether the API name is invalid or if the API name corresponds to a different sObject that is not included in the query. This ensures that only the misconfigured Data Source presents an error, while the others function normally.
Your association will benefit if you:
Use the Dynamic Search Bar in the new Member Portal (Experience Cloud)
Use the New Lightning Store
Enhancement: Enhanced Error Messaging for Dynamic Filter Configuration on the Dynamic Grid
Previously, the App Builder encountered generic error messages on the Dynamic Grid LWC when certain aspects of the Dynamic Filter were not set correctly. This made it difficult to diagnose and resolve issues without checking the debug logs, which required expertise and was time-consuming.
With the new enhancement, App Builder will now receive clear and specific error messages directly on the Dynamic Grid LWC. For instance, if the “Show Filter” checkbox is checked but no active Datasource Filter CMT records are found, users will be guided to configure the filter or uncheck the checkbox. Additionally, if there’s an invalid API name, Salesforce’s error message will be displayed. This improvement simplifies the setup process, allowing App Builder to quickly identify and fix issues without needing to consult debug logs.
Your association will benefit if you:
Use the Dynamic Filter in the new Member Portal (Experience Cloud)
Use the New Lightning Store
Enhancement: Now My Orders LWC displays Payment Contact Information in a new column.
Now My Orders LWC in the new Member Portal displays the Payment Contact information for each order. This will help members quickly identify whether an order is billed to an Individual or a Company Account without opening the order details. By providing this information directly on the order list, members can quickly gather necessary details about their orders without needing to access each order individually. This will streamline the member’s experience, saving time and improving transparency. (Learn More)
Your association will benefit if you:
Use My Orders in the New Member Portal (Experience Cloud)
Enhancement: Introduced a new field, Opportunity Amount on the Opportunity Detail Record Page
We have enhanced the Sales Cloud Connector feature by introducing an "Opportunity Amount" field to the Opportunity sObject. The Opportunity Amount field on the Opportunity automatically calculates and displays the total cost of Nimble AMS products linked to each Opportunity providing a quick and accurate view of the aggregate opportunity cost. (Learn More)
Your association will benefit if you:
Use the Sales Cloud Connector
Enhancement: Nicknames for Stored Payment Cards
Association members can now assign nicknames to their stored credit or debit cards, making it easier to quickly identify and select the right card during checkout. Whether they’re using the checkout page or managing cards on the My Payment Methods page in the new Member Portal, members can label cards as “Business Card,” “Personal Card,” etc., streamlining the shopping experience—especially when multiple cards are saved. If no nickname is set, the card details will appear as usual in the dropdown. (Learn More)
Your association will benefit if you:
Use Stored Payment Methods
Use My Payment Methods in Experience Cloud
Use the Experience Cloud Checkout page.
Enhancement: Order API with Order Item Line Cancellation Capability
The Order API has been enhanced to allow the cancellation of individual Order Item Lines within an order, providing associations with more granular control over order management. Associations can use these APIs to cancel specific order item lines without affecting the other order item lines within the same order item of the order. This added flexibility reduces operational complexity and enhances the precision of order management workflows.
Your association will benefit if you:
Use the Order API
Defects Fixed
Mobile view Donation LWC pages present correctly
In Member Portal on the mobile screen view, the product donation page (s) showed a distorted UI for the Credit card and Billing Address sections when the LWC was configured to use the compact layout. (Known Issue ID: 148915)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Member Portal Donations
Original System Design: The LWC wide and compact layouts should have displayed and utilized the correct space for the Credit card and Billing Address sections.
Solution: Now, the Credit card and Billing Address sections present correctly when LWC is configured with wide and compact layouts.
Module(s) impacted: Member Portal Donations
Removed permission requirement for Queue Process when issuing a refund
In Staff View, when a Staff user tries to refund a Credit Card Order but does not have full access to the Queue Process object, the refund receives an error. Although an error is received, the refund is still processed, at the same time, the original payment becomes voided. (Known Issue ID: 151235)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Order Entry
Original System Design: The system should not allow incorrect refunding.
Solution: Updated the permission requirement for the Queue Process. Now, the Staff user profile does not require permission to delete Queue Process records.
Module(s) impacted: Order Entry
Stored Payment Method is created when Recurring products are purchased
In Community Hub when Hosted Payment Forms is enabled and a Recurring Donation is made, the “Dave card for future use” is automatically checked. When completing the checkout, the payment goes through, while the Order and Recurring Donation schedule is created. The payment also does not show the paid via Stored Payment Method stamp and the future schedule will fail because there is no Stored Payment Method associated to the Recurring Donation. (Known Issue ID: 150913)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Hosted Payment Forms
Original System Design: The Stored Payment Method should have been created for Hosted Payment Form checkouts and the payment should have been properly stamped as a Stored Payment Method.
Solution: Now, the Stored Payment Method will be created in the Community Hub when a Recurring Donation product is purchased.
Module(s) impacted: Hosted Payment Forms
Schedule lines now process when the product is Inactive
When an Inactive product is linked to an ongoing schedule the Order does not generate a payment record, however, the schedule line is updated to ‘Processed’ y a nightly job and the BluePay portal shows as Auth rather than Captured. (Known Issue ID: 150617)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Order Entry
Use BluePay
Original System Design: When a schedule is associated to an Order with an Inactive product, the schedule line should be processed to Capture the payment and link the payment to the schedule line.
Solution: Now, schedule lines will be processed even if the Order contains an Inactive product.
Module(s) impacted: Order entry, BluePay
Sales Tax based on Customer Shipping Address
An Order created from the Order API utilized the Bill to Account Address to calculate Sales Tax rather than the Customer Address. (Known Issue ID: 123536)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Avalara
Use Manual Taxation
Original System Design: The Sales Tax should have been calculated based on the Customer’s Shipping Address.
Solution: The Order API Sales Tax will be calculated based on the Customer Shipping Address. If the shipping address is not available, the billing address will be used. If neither of the addresses are present, then Sales Tax will not be applied.
Module(s) impacted: Avalara
Order processor now records edited cash payments correctly
Staff users processing an Order with a cash-based payment by editing the payment after the Order was saved caused accounting errors. Editing the cash payment during the Order process results in the Cart and Order displaying incorrect values. (Known Issue ID: 147843)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Accounting
Original System Design: The Staff View Order processor should have recorded payments correctly.
Solution: Now, payments are recorded correctly when the Staff user edits Orders in the Staff View Order processor.
Module(s) impacted: Accounting
ScheduleLinesProcessorJob Now Correctly Processing Schedule Lines
The SchedulingProcessingJob script is experiencing the following issues:
Fails to process eligible schedule lines when the "Payment Retry Attempts" parameter is set to 0.
Processes past-dated schedule lines even when the "Process Eligible Past Inst. Schedule" option is disabled. (Known Issue ID: 150311)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Billing History
Use Chapters
Original System Design: ScheduleLinesProcessorJob should accurately pick the correct schedule lines for processing.
Solution: Logic has been updated so that the ScheduleLinesProcessorJob accurately selects the eligible schedule lines for processing.
Module(s) impacted: Schedule Payments, Schedule Lines
Billing History now adds required Chapter Membership Products
End users intentionally removed the required Chapter Membership Product from the Order Processor when joining a membership, which generated errors when running Billing History. (Known Issue ID: 148386)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Billing History
Use Chapters
Original System Design: Billing History should generate errors when a Required Chapter Membership Product was not in the Order when joining a membership.
Solution: Now, the required Chapter Membership Products will be added by Billing History when the user joins a membership without the required membership product.
Module(s) impacted: Chapters, Billing History
The deferred Schedule unhealthy recognition status is now corrected
A Deferred Schedule was stuck in an unhealthy recognition status. This happens when the schedule has remaining recognition terms, but the Order is canceled, which causes the deferred amount to be reduced so that it matches the amount that has been recognized creating the deferred balance to be $0. (Known Issue ID: 150262)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Deferred Revenue
Original System Design: A Deferred Schedule should not remain in an unhealthy recognition status.
Solution: After this change, if a refund or adjustment causes the deferred balance to be $0 while recognitions are still remaining, the Deferred Schedule’s unhealthy recognition status will be corrected with the adjustment.
Module(s) impacted: Deferred Revenue
Scheduled payments with a future date now show a pending status
When a user schedules a payment for today’s date, it processes successfully. However, if the user adds another item to the Cart and attempts to schedule the payment again for today using the ‘Schedule Payment’ option, an error occurs with the message: “Cannot instantiate a Schedule based upon an empty list if Schedule lines.” After manually closing this error, the system does not display the scheduled payment confirmation. A manual page refresh is required to verify if the payment has been scheduled. Additionally, the status of the second scheduled payment shows as pending, even though it is scheduled for today’s date. (Known Issue ID: 149600, 150121)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Stored Payment Method
Original System Design: Scheduled payments for today’s date should be processed successfully. Scheduled payments with a future date should have a status of pending.
Solution: Scheduling the remaining amount of the Order for the current date will process successfully, however, if it is for a future date the status changes to pending.
Module(s) impacted: Stored Payment Method
Null Payment now shows the proper error message
When creating a Payment record through the Order API the NU_PaymentAmount field can be null. When this payment is then applied to an Order using the API, the null amount is carried through the Order process and eventually fails with a null reference error. (Known Issue ID: 149935)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Order API
Original System Design: The Payment records should not have a null Payment amount.
Solution: The Payment Applier logic will show a proper error message if a null payment amount is provided when making a payment using the Order API.
Module(s) impacted: Order API
Sales Tax is applied to mixed Taxable/non-Taxable Carts
In Community Hub, on the Express Payment Cart page, Sales Tax is not charged when a Cart has at least two products and there is a mix of Taxable and non-Taxable products in the same Cart. This results in a missing Sales Tax Transaction in the GL Account and the Sales Tax lookup is missing from the Order Item causing accounting errors when trying to export the GL. If the Taxable product is added second or is the last product added to the Cart, then the Sales Tax is calculated and charged correctly. (Known Issue ID: 149324)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Sales Tax
Original System Design: Sales Tax should be calculated and added correctly to the Cart regardless of a mix of Taxable and non-taxable products in the same Cart.
Solution: Sales Tax lookup value will populate correctly on the Cart Item and Order Item when adding Taxable and non-taxable products to a Cart from the Community Hub site.
Module(s) impacted: Sales Tax
Add Stored Payment Method’ now redirects back to the Schedule Payment modal
In Staff View, when a user tries to schedule a payment using the ‘Schedule Payment’ option from the Order record and then selects ‘Add Stored Payment Method’ in the Schedule Payment modal, fills in the card details and clicks save, there is no UI change, and the user is not redirected back to the Schedule Payment modal to complete the payment schedule. Although there is no UI change, and the external payment profile is created when the user clicks the save button an error occurs. (Known Issue ID: 149292)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Stored Payment Method
Original System Design: Once the ‘Add Stored Payment Method’ in the Schedule Payment modal and the card details are filled in, and then saved the UI should redirect back to the Schedule Payment modal to complete the payment scheduling.
Solution: After clicking the save button, the Store Payment Method is created, and the browser goes back to the previous page where the created Stored Payment Method is selected.
Module(s) impacted: Stored Payment Method
Lightning Community time zone is now set to Headquarters’s time zone
Community Hub users can set their time zones in Lightning Communities instead of having the time zone set to Headquarters’s time zone. When they process transactions in their time zone, the system will generate transactions for the wrong day relative to the Headquarter’s time zone. (Known Issue ID: 113465)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Nimble Communities
Use Community Hub
Use Order Entry
Original System Design: Lightning Communities' time zone should be set to Headquarters’s time zone to allow transaction date and time to process correctly.
Solution: Updated the populateTransactionDateAndBatch
in CartSubmitter
to dynamically set TransactionDate__c
in Headquarter’s time zone for Community Hub.
Module(s) impacted: Community Hub, Order Entry, Nimble Communities
Credit card expiry year choices are uniform for products
Users noticed product discrepancies when paying with Credit cards. Community Hub and new Stored Payment Methods display 20 years of choices while paying for a Cart/Order in Staff View displays only 10 years of choices. (Known Issue ID: 149041)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Order Entry
Original System Design: The expiry year should display the same number of year options regardless of the product.
Solution: Users can now select the expiry year from the current year up to the next 20 years during Order Processing.
Module(s) impacted: Order Entry
Existing Carts with a past or future date will be processed with a transaction date of today to maintain a healthy batch
When a Staff user processes an existing Cart that is already related to an Automatic Batch, and then pays using Hosted Payment Forms, the Transaction Date is incorrectly recorded on several of the Order related objects. This occurs when using the Express Payment Cart page in Community Hub where the Cart is already created for a past date or Automatic Batch and Hosted Payments are used to pay for the Cart. (Known Issue ID: 149381)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Hosted Payment Forms
Original System Design: Existing Carts for a past date or future date should be updated to a Transaction Date of today.
Solution: If a past or future transaction date is selected for a hosted credit card payment, the Transaction Date will be updated to today’s date to maintain batch health.
Module(s) impacted: Hosted Payment Forms
No status response from the BluePay payment gateway now triggers an error message
Credit Card Processing for failed Installment Scheduled Lines caused by no status response from the BluePay payment getaway. (Known Issue ID: 150275)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use BluePay
Original System Design: Failed Installment Schedule lines to BluePay should provide an error message.
Solution: After this change, a check for ‘no status’ received from BluePay, will trigger the error message ‘Something appears to have gone wrong. Your payment process failed with the following status cod {0}’, where {0} represents the status code of the response, such as 401,404, 903, 3ct.'
Module(s) impacted: BluePay
Enhanced Deferred Schedule Recognition for Schedules (Imported and Non-Imported)
Deferred Revenue Methods for imported schedules break financial calculations, when the schedule has started to recognize monies, and a new Order is added to the assigned Deferred Revenue Method. The new Order is added to the imported schedule and does not properly recognize the monies as it can be removed. Unhealthy Deferred Schedules result from the imported schedule that has new transactions added before the recognition of the schedule which generates incorrect transactions. (Known Issue ID: 147831)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Accounting
Use Deferred Schedules
Use the Deferred Revenue Method
Original System Design: New Order transactions should not break financial calculations for Deferred Schedules.
Solution: Added a check to see if the externalTransactionDate
field is null, before setting the initialTransactionDate
field to prevent overlapping with imported schedules.
Module(s) impacted: Accounting, Deferred Schedules, Deferred Revenue Method
Event counts are now update
When staff users delete an Event, it can cause an error with the EventRegisterationCount Updater batch Apex job. The error causes the EventRegistrationCountUpdater job to not run for other records, which then sends error emails until the issue is resolved. This is resolved by finding the related Queue Process record to update the Purpose, so it will not run, or it will delete the record. (Known Issue ID: 148147)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Events
Original System Design: The EventRegistrationCountUpdater job should delete the Event Queue Process record without impacting the other records.
Solution: After this change, deleted Events Queue Process records will be cleared without error from the EventRegistrationCountUpdater job.
Module(s) impacted: Events
Orders with Chapters can now be adjusted
Staff members are unable to edit Orders when a customer requests a transfer from one state Chapter to another. In this case, staff members need to edit the existing paid membership Order for 2024. However, the staff member is unable to add a new line item to the adjustment Cart via the order processor. (Known Issue ID: 148260)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Chapters
Use Order Entry
Use Customer Membership Order Processor
Original System Design: Staff users should have the capability to modify Orders with Chapters by adjusting the individual Cart Item lines.
Solution: Staff users can now update Orders with Chapters by adjusting Cart Item lines
Module(s) impacted: Chapters, Order Entry, Custom Membership Order Processor
BluePay Payment Settlement Date field now populates
BluePay Payment Settlement Date field was not populating for payments settled within the reconciliation period. These Payment records were not marked as failed and did not have an error message. (Known Issue ID: 148398)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Order Entry
Use BluePay
Use Stored Payment Method (SPM)
Original System Design: The Payment Settlement Date field should be populated and if there is a failure then the Payment record should be marked as failed.
Solution: Updated logic to check if a Stored Payment Method is the same for multiple Payment records to avoid duplicate values in the reconciled Payment records.
Module(s) impacted: Order Entry, BluePay
Guest Users can apply Coupon discount links successfully for Express Payment Carts
Guest Users attempted to apply a Coupon discount link to an Express Payment Cart but received a login screen. After logging in, the user was redirected to the Community Hub login with a startURL parameter of the Community Hub CheckoutDynamicPage + Express Payment Cart parameters, which then resulted in an error stating the current page couldn’t be found due to the incorrect redirect. (Known Issue ID: 148514)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Coupons
Original System Design: Guest Users should successfully apply Coupon links to an Express Payment Cart.
Solution: Updated the selector method of the SOQL query to prevent record access issues.
Module(s) impacted: Coupons
Accrual Dues now support Tiered pricing
Staff users observed that Accrual Dues did not support Tiered pricing when Accrual Dues was run by selecting membership type and end date. (Known Issue ID: 132034)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Accrual Dues
Use Tiered pricing
Original System Design: Accrual Dues should have supported Tiered pricing.
Solution: Now Accrual Dues respects Tiered pricing after running billing.
Module(s) impacted: Accrual Dues, Tiered pricing
Subscription coverage for the same Order Item with different start dates is now gap-free
In the Staff View Order processor, several Subscriptions can be selected and applied to the same Order item. However, if the start dates are different values, then the processing job for the Schedules will create a gap in the Subscription coverage causing customers to be incorrectly excluded. (Known Issue ID: 138124)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Subscriptions
Original System Design: Once a recurring Subscription is set up there should be no gap in the Subscription coverage.
Solution: Now Subscription Schedules will process multiple Subscriptions under the same Order Item with appropriate start and end dates for future recurring Subscriptions.
Module(s) impacted: Subscriptions
EventRegistrationCountUpdater Job now runs when Event records are present.
Customers received an error message email when the EventRegistrationCountUpdater Job runs but there are no queue process records. The null error message states the batch apex job processed 0 batches with 0 failed batches. (Known Issue ID: 148640)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Events
Original System Design: The EventRegistrationCountUpdater Job should run when there are Event records to process.
Solution: Updated logic to check for Event records before running the EventRegistrationCountUpdater Job.
Module(s) impacted: Events
The Stored Payment Method ‘Updated On’ field now populates when the BluePay Account Updater job runs.
The BluePay Account Updater job does not refresh the Nimble AMS Stored Payment Method (SPM) ‘Updated On’ field, which makes it difficult for clients to see when the SPM has been automatically updated. (Known Issue ID: 147471)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use BluePay
Use Stored Payment Method (SPM)
Original System Design: The Store Payment Method ‘Updated On’ field should have been populated by the BluePay Account Updater job.
Solution: Now, the ‘Updated On'’ field will populate when the BluePay Account Updater runs.
Module(s) impacted: BluePay, Stored Payment Method
Community Hub
What's New?
Defects Fixed
Recurring Orders are now submitted successfully
In Community Hub, users were unable to place an order for Recurring Membership products when the end user clicked the ‘Join Now’ button, selected a Recurring Membership chose a recurring eligible product then proceeded to checkout. At checkout, the user selects Pay Now and adds a New Credit Card. Once submitted the user receives the error message “You have a recurring membership in the cart that requires a stored payment method to complete the purchase. Please ass a stored payment method and use it to complete the checkout.” (Known Issue ID: 151041)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Memberships
Original System Design: Once the end user selects the product and enters payment information the Order should be submitted and then redirected to the Order Summary page.
Solution: Updated validation for the scheduled payments to allow Community users to submit recurring Orders and stored payments in the same transaction.
Module(s) impacted: Memberships
Membership terms display correctly based on the Membership type
An issue was experienced when purchasing a Company Membership multiple times between Community Hub and Staff View. The actual Membership term expired on 12/31/2024. Prior to the expiration date, a Membership was purchased or renewed for the term 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025. Then this Membership was canceled from Staff View. Another Membership was purchased in Community Hub, however, reflected the term dates as 1/1/2026 - 12/31/2026. (Known Issue ID: 150430)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Memberships
Original System Design: The Membership term should display correctly regardless of the canceled Memberships.
Solution: Now, the Membership term for renewing Memberships shows correctly when the Re-Instate Period and Re-Instate Unit are defined on the Membership type.
Module(s) impacted: Memberships
Refunds through a Stored Payment Method with the new Member Portal now successful
When a payment is made through the new Member Portal and a Stored Payment Method is used, it appears that the ‘Payment Type Issuer’ field on the Payment Record is not populated causing refunds to be unsuccessful. (Known Issue ID: 148957)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use the new Member Portal
Use Community Hub
Use Order Entry
Original System Design: Refunds made through the new Member Portal with a Stored Payment Method should be successful.
Solution: Now, the Payment Type Issuer field is filled on the Payment Record when the payment is made through a Stored Payment Method. When the Stored Payment Method is a Credit Card type, the Expiration Date field is also filled.
Module(s) impacted: Member Portal, Community Hub, Order Entry
Member Directory Datasource now processes WHERE expressions
Community Hub users ran into a Query error for Member Directory Datasource when Semi join sub-selects are only allowed at the top level WHERE expressions rather than nested in the WHERE expressions. (Known Issue ID: 149725)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Community Hub
Use Community Hub Search Card
Original System Design: The Community Hub Search Card for Member Directory Datasource should process WHERE expressions.
Solution: Now, Community Hub Search Ard for the Member Directory Datasource processes WHERE expressions.
Module(s) impacted: Community Hub, Community Hub Search Card
Consent Alert Card disappears when “I Consent” is clicked
In Community Hub when Data Privacy and Protection is enabled and the last Consented Date has lapsed, the logged-in user is presented with the Consent Alert Card. When the user clicks the ‘I Consent’ checkbox, the Consent Alert Card remains on the page because the Last Consented Date does not update. (Known Issue: KI-0375)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Data Privacy Protection
Use Community Hub
Original System Design: The Last Consented Date should have been updated to the current date when the ‘I Consent’ checkbox is checked.
Solution: Checking the ‘I Consent’ checkbox makes the Last Consented Date current.
Module(s) impacted: Data Privacy Protection, Community Hub
The error message now alerts the user to NC duplicate query record
In Community Hub Setup, users creating a second version of an existing query record encountered errors on the Access Control page because the two queries have the same name. (Known Issue ID: 121461)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Community Hub Access Control
Original System Design: An error message should have prompted the user to change the query name when duplicating a query record.
Solution: After this change, duplicate query records are checked before saving. An error message will prompt the user to change the name preventing errors on the Access Control page.
Module(s) impacted: Community Hub Access Control
FeaturedProducts Card now saves ’Is Active' checkbox selection
In Community Hub Setup, when setting up Featured Products under the Filter Configuration, the FeaturedProducts Card does not save the user’s ‘Is Active’ checkbox selection. (Known Issue ID: 149094)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Community Hub
Use Community Hub FeaturedProducts Card
Original System Design: The ‘Is Active’ checkbox should save the user’s selection and display the ‘Is Active’ column on the Configure Filters screen.
Solution: The FeaturedProducts Card will now Save the ’Is Active' checkbox successfully.
Module(s) impacted: Community Hub, Community Hub FeaturedProducts Card
Currency conversions are displayed appropriately at checkout
In Community Hub on the Express Payment Page or the Checkout Page the ‘Total Details’ showed the amount in USD next to an approximate, approx
CAD amount. (Known Issue ID: 120778)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Internationalization
Use Community Hub
Use Order Entry
Original System Design: The ‘Total Details’ should utilize the Total Summary card to display currency conversions.
Solution: Now, the Total Summary card utilizes the packaged label, ‘BaseCurrencyAndConvertedAmount’ for the currency display conversions.
Module(s) impacted: Internationalization, Community Hub, Order Entry
Event Registration question Text Area character limit
Community Hub users entered more than the 255-character limit in the Text Area of the Event question. The user is then unable to submit the Order without going back to correct the number of characters in the Text Area. (Known Issue ID: 140774)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Event Registration
Original System Design: The 255-character limit for the Event question Text Area should have been known to users prior to submitting the Order.
Solution: Now, users will not be able to enter more than 255 characters in the Event question Text Area.
Module(s) impacted: Event Registration
Inactive products no longer allow Order submission
In Community Hub, if a Staff user marks a Product as Inactive but does not realize there are outstanding Orders then the customer/payor will run into a failure when trying to pay for the related Order. If the client is using Hosted Payments, then the Payment will be recorded but the Order will remain unpaid in Nimble AMS. (Known Issue ID: 146719)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Community Hub
Use Hosted Payments
Use Express Payments
Original System Design: Inactive product Orders should not allow the Order to be submitted.
Solution: Now, when an Express Payment Order is for an Inactive product, the Express Payment Card is prevented from rendering.
Module(s) impacted: Community Hub, Hosted Payments, Express Payments
Community Hub Mobile View now displays Personal Snapshot in Navigation
Users utilizing the Community Hub in mobile view have noticed that the display differs slightly from the desktop view. Specifically, the Personal Snapshot, which appears as the top left navigation link in the desktop version, was not visible in the mobile view. (Known Issue ID: 147872)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Community Hub in Mobile View
Original System Design: The Community Hub Mobile View should display the Personal Snapshot as the first navigation item on the menu.
Solution: Updated logic makes the Personal Snapshot, the first navigation item to be visible.
Module(s) impacted: Community Hub in Mobile View
Community Hub Mobile View now displays the Checkout Button
In the Mobile View of Community Hub, users encountered an issue where the Checkout Button extended off-screen. However, when the Checkout Button was clicked, users were successfully redirected to the checkout page. (Known Issue ID: 147610)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use the Community Hub Dynamic Checkout page
Original System Design: The margin for the Checkout Button styling should adjust for the Mobile View.
Solution: Adjusted the margin from the Checkout Button styling to make the Checkout Button visible in Mobile View.
Module(s) impacted: Community Hub Dynamic Checkout page
Community Hub Background color now updates on Mobile device
In Community Hub the ‘Off Canvas Background Color’ setting in Theme Settings did not update the Background color when viewing Community Hub on a Mobile device. The Mobile device displays an aqua/turquoise color regardless of the chosen color for the ‘Off Canvas Background Color’ setting. (Known Issue ID: 133084)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Community Hub Setup
Original System Design: The Theme Settings for the ‘Off Canvas Background Color’ setting should update the font color when viewing Community Hub on a Mobile device.
Solution: Enabled the ‘Off Canvas Background Color’ and list group items to dynamically update based on the ‘Off Canvas Background Color Setting’ in Community Hub Theme Settings.
Module(s) impacted: Community Hub Setup
Event Registration with Registration Types now reflects special pricing
While using Registration Types for Event Registration, the special prices for registration products were not honored because the price class was set on the Cart item, causing the Community Hub user to receive an incorrect price. (Known Issue ID: 148849)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Events
Use Registration Types
Original System Design: When the Registration Type is set, the user should be required to select a Registration type via the ChooseRegistrationType page which provides the special pricing.
Solution: Now, the correct price class will be applied to the Registration record if the Registration Type is selected during the Community Hub Registration process.
Module(s) impacted: Registration Types, Events
What's New?
Defects Fixed
Zoom registrants now receive one welcome email
During a Zoom registration, two callouts triggered two welcome emails to be sent to attendees. (Known Issue ID: 141245)
Your association may be affected if you:
Use Zoom integration
Original System Design: Zoom registrants should have received one welcome email.
Solution: Zoom registrants will receive one welcome email after registering.
Module(s) impacted: Zoom integration