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Two Factor Authentication Management

A staff user or community hub user can secure their credentials by using the Salesforce Authenticator app and mapping it with their account with a two word phrase or QR code. Once the user enters the two word phrase or QR code, they will receive a push notification asking to connect on their mobile device to allow log in to the application. 


  • User should have Salesforce Authenticator app installed on their mobile device.
  • Two factor authentication should be configured for users by the administrator.

Login as Staff User or Community Hub User

The user can follow the below steps to map their account with the Salesforce Authenticator app.

  1. Launch the Salesforce Authenticator app.
  2. Click on Add Account.

    First Login

    An account needs to be created while logging in for the first time. Second login onwards, user can just tap on the created account to get authenticated. 

  3. App will generate a two-word phrase.
  4. Enter this two-word phase while logging in to the application.
    Show me an image

  5. Click on Connect in the web browser.

  6. A Push notification will be received in the mobile device with details like username and system information.
  7. On mobile app, click Connect to confirm.

    • Alternatively, after step 2, user can select the option to use another verification method. By selecting this option, a QR code will appear on the browser and can be scanned from the mobile device. If chosen to login through QR code, user must enter the verification code sent to their mobile on web browser.
    • The verification method selected first time will be used for authentication every time the user logs in. 

    Expected Result

    User will be able to login to the application.

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