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Spring'24 Major Features

Major Features

Learn about the most significant enhancements introduced in Nimble AMS Spring '24 as well as which major features from past releases are "growing up".  To view a list of all changes, head next door to the Spring '24 Change Log.

Spring '24 Major Features

Experience Cloud Community Hub Improvements

As part of our continuous effort to enhance the member and staff experience, we are thrilled to announce some exciting improvements in Experience Cloud Community Hub.

Guest Access and Checkout in Experience Cloud

Experience Cloud Community Hub is now guest-user accessible! With this update, the user experience of the member self-service portal is greatly improved by allowing guest users to access pertinent information and utilize key functionalities without having to create an account. The feature ensures that anyone can navigate your association’s public pages, browse the products available for purchase, and stay informed about upcoming events without logging in. Guest users can seamlessly make a purchase, and pay for an open order through the Express Pay link, hassle-free. The data security measures through reCaptcha ensure that your data is protected and you have full control over the access provided to a guest user.

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Coupon Support in Experience Cloud

Delight your members by maximizing savings for them through coupon functionality at checkout. The modern and easy-to-use interface allows them to instantly apply discounts to their qualifying purchase. Increase the value of association memberships and provide your members with a pleasant checkout experience.

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Recurring Donations in Experience Cloud

Provide stability and sustainability to your fundraising causes by providing recurring donation capability to your donors. Donors can now easily set up recurring donations based on their preferences. You will see elevated donor retention rates as donors no longer need to manually intervene to contribute to the causes they want to support continuously. The feature not only helps your donor make an increased philanthropic impact through a streamlined experience but it also helps provide a more predictable revenue stream for your association so that you can drive your organizational goals forward more effectively.

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My Orders

Introducing "My Orders" in Experience Cloud Community Hub that enables your members to manage, track, and view all their Nimble AMS Orders effortlessly.

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Nimble Communities Updates

Nimble Communities is even more powerful, bringing additional integration with your Committees, Events, and Volunteer Opportunities. Provide your members with dedicated groups to collaborate and connect when they join a committee, register for an event, or sign up to Volunteer. In addition, Nimble Communities now supports the ability to display Terms of Service and requires members to agree before accessing the community, making your community safer.

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Volunteer Management Microsite

Provide your members with a modern site to showcase your Volunteer Opportunities. Using Experience Cloud and Experience Builder, staff can rapidly point-and-click configure this site to match your association's theme and style. Members can browse all the open Volunteer Opportunities and apply immediately for any job.

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Nimble AMS Setup App

Provides your staff easy access to Setup and Configuration Wizards, enabling them to quickly create products, events and set up new membership types. 

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Existing Features Growing Up

Introduced in prior releases, these features are advancing to the next level of the feature lifecycle in this release.  To view a complete list of our current pilot and beta features, visit our List of Pilot and Beta Features page.

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