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List of Pilot and Beta Features

This list is intended as a general guide about which Nimble AMS Features are currently in Pilot or Beta. Please also check the Major Features page to access information on features contained within the latest release of Nimble AMS.

FeatureStage Description
Volunteer Management Microsite

The Nimble AMS Volunteer Management solution allows associations to effortlessly craft volunteer events and detail specific jobs. For each job, you also have the option to create shifts, splitting jobs into manageable times.

Members can browse and apply for opportunities and the completed volunteer hours are reflected on their Account so you can easily track their participation and include the values in reports.

How to get started? Request to enroll in a pilot feature on Nimble Land.

Nimble Predictions - Member Lapse Prevention

Artificial Intelligence is no longer just a technology of tomorrow for associations.  Using Nimble AMS and Salesforce Einstein Prediction Builder, associations can now leverage artificial intelligence to predict which members are most likely to lapse their membership.  Our Member Lapse Prediction solution can help reduce staff time by using the power of artificial intelligence to identify and highlight high-risk members and avoid costly, time-intensive analysis.  Staff will spend less time researching member retention problems and instead focus on actions to increase retention.

How to get started?

Two Factor Authentication

Two Two-factor authentication is a two-step verification process that takes place when a user logs in to the account. It adds a layer of security to the organization's accounts and ensures that only authorized users are using their accounts. Once implemented, it would not need any additional security experts. Also, as it is a free feature from Salesforce, there's no cost impact.

How to get started?

Zoom Integration

Manage meetings and virtual events directly within Nimble AMS, reduce implementation time that will lower your business expenses to begin using Nimble AMS features, and receive important meeting attendance metrics through our Nimble AMS Zoom Integration. This feature easily syncs your scheduled virtual meetings for your attendees to join right from the comfort of their homes and interact with you face-to-face.

How to get started?

Chapter Transfer

Chapter Transfer functionality enriches the Chapter Management feature by providing an easy step-by-step process to the Association staff to change a member's chapter membership from one chapter to another, mid-term. The change in chapter membership is made such that it doesn't impact the member's national or association membership. 

How to get started?

Experience Cloud Community Hub

Experience Cloud Community Hub is the constituent-facing portal to Nimble AMS built on the Salesforce Experience Cloud technology. It provides a modern and intuitive interface for association members as they navigate through the online portal with various self-service capabilities. Constituents can browse through the association store, purchase a variety of products, donate to a specific cause, and much more.

Hybrid Model for Visualforce & Experience Cloud Community Hub support

We understand that change takes time, which is why Nimble AMS is introducing a hybrid model strategy. This allows associations to gradually adopt the new capabilities offered by the Experience Cloud Community Hub while still maintaining some of the existing configurations in Visualforce Community Hub. The association members will have a seamless journey as they transition between the two interfaces. Embrace innovation at your own pace without disrupting your current operations or member experience.

Experience Cloud Checkout Improvements

With Summer 23, in addition to Merchandise and Donation product types, your members can now check out additional product types (Membership, Events, Sponsorships to name a few) through the optimized Experience Cloud Checkout. Members can now initiate a transaction through Experience Cloud Community Hub or Visualforce Community Hub and check the products out through Experience Cloud Checkout for a smoother, easier, and unified process.

Events Discovery in Experience Cloud

Promote your upcoming events effortlessly within the Experience Cloud. Leverage Lightning Web Components (LWCs) to add eye-catching event showcases to your Experience Cloud Lightning pages. With an intuitive drag-and-drop capability, associations can create engaging event listings that captivate their audience and drive attendance.

As a part of this feature, the Event Spotlight Lightning Web Component will allow your association to promote the specific event on any Lightning Page. The Event Catalog Component will let your association showcase all your upcoming events in a list or grid view. The Event Details Component will display the full information about a particular event and finally, a filter component will allow you to provide your members with search capability on the events, making it a more personalized experience.

Donations in Experience Cloud

Use Experience Cloud to enable your members to support your cause. Introducing Nimble AMS Donations in Experience Cloud! Through the Experience Cloud platform that's built with modern technology, a donor can make a one-time donation easily and quickly. Pre-selected amounts are available for them to choose from or they can enter a different one. Their donation can be 'in memory of' or 'in honor of' someone. Take advantage of this new feature that will give your members a better user experience and help to maximize your revenue.

Product Variants in Experience Cloud

Product Variants is now supported in Experience Cloud Community Hub to provide you and your association members with a modern, enjoyable, and seamless shopping experience. Members can view the various options (attributes) that a product provides and then select a specific product for purchase. They can either buy the product immediately through the 'Buy Now’ option or add the product to a Shopping Cart before checking it out through the Experience Cloud Checkout.

Add to Cart button override in Product Item Details LWC

Associations and their members have an improved experience when working with the Lighting Store on Experience Cloud Community Hub. Association staff and admin users can now define and set the destination behavior of the ‘Add to Cart' button per Product through staff view. The feature provides opportunities for Associations to offer product types other than Merchandise products through the Lightning Store and control the next steps in the purchase process. As an example, Events could now be listed in the Lightning Store (with a custom data source) and the ‘Add to Cart' button on the Product Item Details component could be set to direct the member to the registration process.

Guest Access and Checkout in Experience Cloud

Experience Cloud Community Hub is now guest-user accessible! With this update, the user experience of the member self-service portal is greatly improved by allowing guest users to access pertinent information and utilize key functionalities without having to create an account. The feature ensures that anyone can navigate your association’s public pages, browse the products available for purchase, and stay informed about upcoming events without logging in. Guest users can seamlessly make a purchase, and pay for an open order through the Express Pay link, hassle-free. The data security measures through reCaptcha ensure that your data is protected and you have full control over the access provided to a guest user.

Coupon Support in Experience Cloud

Delight your members by maximizing savings for them through coupon functionality at checkout. The modern and easy-to-use interface allows them to instantly apply discounts to their qualifying purchase. Increase the value of association memberships and provide your members with a pleasant checkout experience.

Recurring Donations in Experience Cloud

Provide stability and sustainability to your fundraising causes by providing recurring donation capability to your donors. Donors can now easily set up recurring donations based on their preferences. You will see elevated donor retention rates as donors no longer need to manually intervene to contribute to the causes they want to support continuously. The feature not only helps your donor make an increased philanthropic impact through a streamlined experience but it also helps provide a more predictable revenue stream for your association so that you can drive your organizational goals forward more effectively.

My Orders

Introducing "My Orders" in Experience Cloud Community Hub that enables your members to manage, track, and view all their Nimble AMS Orders effortlessly.

Campaign Code Tracking

Get insights on your marketing campaign's effectiveness and performance through the campaign code tracking capability. The feature allows your staff to copy the URLs with campaign code embedded in them, making it simple to include the URLs in the marketing campaign emails. On the member side, when they click the link and make a purchase, the campaign code is automatically linked to the order thus making tracking easy for the staff. They also have access to a detailed report that compiles all orders generated from a specific marketing campaign, providing valuable insights into its effectiveness and success. Streamline your marketing efforts and optimize your campaigns through our advanced tracking feature.

One-Click Checkout

Save your members' time and energy through a one-click checkout that allows them to skip checkout for eligible purchases, Experience Cloud Community Hub streamlines the process by eliminating unnecessary steps when buying free products, LMS courses, or complimentary Events. Say goodbye to the hassle of an additional step during the purchase process and enjoy a frictionless shopping experience.

Guest Orders Mapping Tool

Enhance your staff's experience as they capture and reconcile the purchases made by your members and non-members as guests. Introducing the Guest Orders Mapping tool with a built-in capability to suggest existing account records as a possible match and help link multiple guest orders to account records right from the tool’s interface, thus giving insights into your member's complete purchase activity. With the option to automate the mapping entirely, associations can streamline their processes and free up staff time to focus on achieving the organization’s mission. Say goodbye to manual effort and hello to increased efficiency with our cutting-edge Guest Orders mapping productivity tool!

Dynamic Search & Filter

Improve your members' e-commerce experience with an expanded Search and Filter tool, allowing them to search more fields and find more accurate results, faster in your store.

Committees in Community Hub

Provide your members the ability to view their committee memberships and browse the membership roster from the Experience Cloud Community Hub platform. With a new, modern interface, you can provide your members with a dynamic experience. And if you're using Nimble Communities, you can directly link them to their community groups.

How to get started? Request to enroll in a pilot feature on Nimble Land. Select the Experience Cloud Community Hub option from the Features drop-down.

Internationalization - Canada

Nimble AMS now supports Associations in Canada! Whether an association operates exclusively in Canada or across the US and Canada, Nimble AMS provides the right technology needed for both staff and members.

Additional support for meeting Canadian data hosting requirements to Canadian currency and ISO Codes standards, Nimble AMS makes it easy for associations to grow their memberships and products.

How to get started?

Freestone LMS Integration Improvements

The Nimble AMS Freestone integration is updated to allow writing back of course completion information to Nimble AMS once the learner completes the course from the Freestone LMS. Freestone is leveraging the SynchedLearning API to provide a 360-degree view of the member’s learning journey and help reduce data silos. 

How to get started?

Improvements to Product Types

Starting the Winter '23 release, Advertising, Exhibitor, and Sponsorship product types are now included in our base package, allowing us to provide better support with existing and upcoming Nimble AMS features.  Included in this release is support for Inter-Entity transactions for these product types to help ensure accounting transactions reconcile to the right place.

Learn More about AdvertisementExhibits, and Sponsorships product types.

CardPointe Payment Gateway Integration

We are very excited to announce that in the Spring 23 release, we will be supporting the CardPointe payment gateway. This new payment gateway option provides a collection of out-of-the-box features that drive efficiency based on how you run your organization including multi-layered security that ensures all data remains safe and PCI compliant while aligning ourselves with CardConnect's go-forward strategy. This payment gateway also lays the foundation to support capabilities like Digital Wallets and 3D secure payments in the future.

Apple & Google Pay Support

Today’s members will no longer accept outdated e-commerce experiences and cumbersome payment processing. Convenience is key to a great experience and key to your future revenue. Your organization can now accept Apple Pay and Google Pay in Nimble AMS through our CardPointe Payment Gateway from CardConnect. Digital Payments through Apple Pay and Google Pay capability will enable your members and customers to make quick, secure, and convenient payments, eliminating the need for entering payment card details manually and enhancing the overall checkout experience.

How to get started? Request to enroll in a pilot feature on Nimble Land.

Donation Prediction

Drive more revenue to your fundraising causes with a new offering from Nimble Predictions. Our Donation Prediction provides valuable insights through AI and enables you to tailor and maximize your fundraising goals. Generate personalized donation amounts for your individual members and display customized suggested amounts when they make donations.

How to get started? Request to enroll in a pilot feature on Nimble Land.

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